Happy Valentine's Week 2022: How To Celebrate Propose Day With Your Partner Amid COVID-19
Happy Valentine's Week 2022: How To Celebrate Propose Day With Your Partner Amid COVID-19
Happy Valentine's Week 2022: Propose Day is the best day to confess your love to the special someone whom you were waiting to propose to for a long time

PROPOSE DAY 2022: Valentine’s Day is around the corner. The week holds a special place in the hearts of people who are madly in love and like to express their feeling using grand gestures. Beginning on February 7 with Rose Day and ending with the day of love, Valentine’s Day on February 14, the week is the best time to celebrate love.

One of the most important days of the week is Propose Day, which falls on February 8. Propose Day is the best day to confess your love to the special someone whom you were waiting to propose to for a long time. However, due to COVID-19, it has become difficult to go out and spend quality time with your partner. Amid the rising cases, people can’t plan grand gestures.

There are curfews and restrictions in many cities and people are unable to find a way to impress their partner. In such case, the question arises – how you can celebrate propose day despite the COVID-19 pandemic? Don’t worry, we are here with the best possible answers. Propose to your lover on the big day with these gestures amid COVID-19:

Video Proposal

Make a video confessing your love for the person and a grand message. Decorate your room, record the video and send it to the person you want to propose. This is the best way to tell your feelings without stepping out of your home and getting infected. If you are COVID positive or your partner has symptoms, then also you can use this method and stay close even when staying afar.

Organise a radio proposal

If you both are in the same city, but are unable to meet due to the pandemic, then you can opt for the old school method. Call a radio station, request them to pass on your message to your loved one. With the help of your lover’s friends, make them tune in to the channel on time otherwise, you’ll miss the chance.

Make a photo book and send it to the person

Sometimes, being the old school romantic works better than being a new age lover. Prepare a photo book by compiling best of your photos and write a cute message in the end. Send it to your lover’s place with the gift of your choice. It’ll stay with them forever and will remind them of you and your cute gesture whenever you’ll be away.

Virtual Letter

Handwritten letters are the best way to express your feelings but they take days to reach the person. Now, with the changing technology, you can write a virtual letter to your lover confessing your love. You can e-mail them the letter and let them know about your feelings. This modern way of writing letter will definitely impress the special someone.

We hope you get a big yes after your proposal! Don’t forget to take your partner on a grand date once the restrictions ease.

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