Influencers' Perspective on Crafting Unique Content in an Ever-Evolving Social Media Space
Influencers' Perspective on Crafting Unique Content in an Ever-Evolving Social Media Space
Influencers discuss how incorporating bite-sized content and interactive features, while staying true to their authentic storytelling is the need of the hour

In the dynamic realm of content creation, influencers delve into adapting to evolving social media trends, incorporating bite-sized content and interactive features, while staying true to their authentic storytelling.

Kritika Goel and Aishwarya Nayak share invaluable insights. Kritika emphasizes the transformative power of experimentation, recounting how she pivoted from travel vlogs to lifestyle-focused home-shot videos during the pandemic, fostering a deeper connection with her audience. Aishwarya stresses the importance of creating captivating hooks in the first three seconds of content, addressing the dwindling attention span on platforms like Instagram.

The Canon EOS Ambassador Program continues to champion and inspire photographers and filmmakers across diverse genres.

1) In the ever-evolving landscape of content creation, experimentation is key. Could you share a specific instance or project where you experimented with your content, and what was the impact or lesson learned from that experience?

Kritika Goel, Canon EOS Influencer

You can only be a successful creator if you’re open to constantly experimenting. One thing that comes to mind is during the challenging times of the pandemic, I had to pivot my content strategy from travel vlogs to lifestyle-focused home-shot videos. It was an unexpected experiment, but the impact was profound for me. I started incorporating more of my personal life and family into my content because travel wasn’t an option, and started sharing glimpses of my everyday life.

To my surprise, the audience response was overwhelmingly positive. I think my audience appreciated the authenticity and the connection that came from sharing not just travel adventures but also personal moments. The lesson learnt was the power of relatability and the importance of adapting content to the current global context. Even as travel resumed, I decided to continue this trend by including my family and friends in my travel videos every now and then (when I’m not traveling solo). Surprisingly, this shift not only resonated more with my audience but also brought a new depth to my content, showcasing the intersection of personal connections and travel experiences. This not only helped me connect with my audience on a more personal level but also highlighted the beauty of blending lifestyle and travel content to build a stronger personal brand.

 Aishwarya Nayak, Canon EOS Influencer

While creating content it’s also important to keep in mind the perspective of your target audience considering the different venues of content creation, especially reels, the attention span of the audience is drastically fallen so creating a hook is something that makes sure that people will continue watching your reel even further in 3 seconds. The first three seconds of the reel decide whether the audience will or will not continue watching your video soo. This is one thing that I have started doing in my campaigns or while I create content also is, whatever storyline I am building, like a 3-second hook in the first few seconds of the video has made a lot of difference while creating and making sure the content reaches the audience really well.

2) With social media constantly evolving, new trends are always on the horizon. From your perspective, what emerging trends do you see gaining traction in content creation, and how do you adapt your content to stay relevant in this dynamic space?

Kritika Goel

In the rapidly evolving landscape of social media, there are new trends coming up every other day. As a primarily long-form content creator, I’ve had to adapt myself to the trend of short-form vertical video content and add bite-sized travel snippets and travel tips into my content strategy, and balance creating both long and short-form videos.

Additionally, I’ve embraced interactive features such as polls and Q&A sessions, to foster a more direct and real-time connection with my audience. Another trend I’m happy to see happening is the emphasis on sustainability and responsible travel. With an increasing awareness of environmental issues, more viewers are interested in content that promotes eco-friendly practices and showcases destinations with a focus on conservation.

I think staying relevant in this dynamic space requires keeping track of trends and a willingness to experiment with new formats while staying true to the authentic storytelling that defines my brand.


Aishwarya Nayak

As important as it is to follow trends to be relevant on Instagram I feel it’s also important to stick to your own personal style because if a thousand different content creators are creating a thousand different pieces of content of the same trend it’s important to have an edge and that edge is what is your vision and yes there are so many different trends that keep coming every other day maybe having a little balance between art and also following trends while sticking to your own personal style, is what will also give you edge over the others and I think that’s also something that will help you to be relevant throughout.

In a nutshell, about Canon’s EOS Ambassador Program: Bold and inspirational, the Canon EOS Ambassador program represents and supports current and future generations of photographers and filmmakers. The program brings together industry experts across various genres like wildlife, weddings, fashion, filmmakers, and these award-winning professional photographers offer first-hand user knowledge, encouraging the community to adapt and support the art forms.

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