Sugar-Free Desserts You Can Indulge In At Home During Ganpati Celebrations
Sugar-Free Desserts You Can Indulge In At Home During Ganpati Celebrations
Make sugar free sweets this Ganesh Chaturthi and eat to your heart’s content without feeling guilty

Festivals mean feasts. Mouth watering meals and delectable desserts often makes even the strongest of us cave in and indulge. Worried that the diet you had been following and the abs that you were working on so hard might go awry? Don’t fret, make sugar free sweets this Ganesh Chaturthi and eat to your heart’s content without feeling guilty.

DRY FRUIT CLUSTERS By Nidhi S, Founder, Half Life To Health


Chopped cashew -2tbsp

Chopped almonds- 2tbsp

Chopped walnuts- 1tbsp

Flax seeds- 1tbsp

Sunflower seeds- 1tbsp

Pumkin seeds- 1tbsp

Sesame seeds – 1tbsp

Jaggery – 1.5cups

Ghee – 3tbsp

Shredded coconut (optional) – 2tbsp


  • To start with heat 2 tbsp ghee in a pan and roast all the seeds and nuts until they turn golden brown.
  • Keep the roasted mixture aside and let it cool down.
  • In the meanwhile, in a pan add 1.5cups of jaggery and let it melt completely until no lumps are found.
  • Grease a tray or a plate with ghee and keep it ready for the next step.
  • After the jaggery melts add the roasted mixture to it and stir well.
  • Turn off the heat and scoop the mixture with the help of a spoon onto the greased surface forming clusters.
  • While the clusters are still hot garnish with shredded coconut.
  • Leave for 10-15mins to set and then enjoy!



Grated pumpkin- 2cups

Ghee- 2tbsp

Grated or chopped jaggery- 2cups

Cardamom powder- 3/4tsp

Chopped nuts of choice – 3tbsp


  • Heat a pan with 2tbsp ghee and then add the grated pumpkin to it.
  • Cook the pumpkin thoroughly in ghee until all the moisture evaporates.
  • After the moisture is dried up add the jaggery and let it melt.
  • Once the jaggery melts the mixture will start coming together and sticking to itself.
  • At this point add the cardamom powder and mix well.
  • Turn off the heat and garnish with chopped nuts.
  • Serve hot and enjoy!

SABUDANA FRUIT SHOTS by Nidhi S, Founder, Half Life To Health


Sabudana- 5tbsp

Milk- 1.5 cup

Jaggery- 1/2cup

Cardamom powder- 1/2tsp

Any 2 Chopped seasonal fruits in different colors – ½ cup each

Chopped almonds- 1tbsp

Chopped cashew- 1tbsp

Saffron/Kesar strands- for garnish


  • To begin with heat a heavy bottom pan and add milk to it.
  • While the milk boils, wash the sabudana and keep it aside.
  • Once the milk boils add the washed sabudana to it and let it cook on low flame.
  • Keep stirring at intervals to avoid burning at the bottom.
  • Once the sabudana has cooked thoroughly the mixture must have a semi solid consistency.
  • Add the cardamom powder and turn off the heat.
  • After the mixture comes to a little over room temperature add the powdered jaggery and mix well.
  • The quantity of jaggery also depends on the kind of fruits being used and hence adjust accordingly.
  • Take shot glasses and arrange a thin layer of the prepared sabudana mixture.
  • Now add a layer of one fruit and some nuts.
  • Add another layer of the sabudana mixture and then a layer of another fruit and nuts.
  • Now add the final layer of sabudana and garnish with few strands of saffron.
  • It tastes best when served chilled.



Seedless dates- 1cup

Ghee- 1tbsp

Chopped almonds- 1/2cup

Chopped cashew- 1/2cup

Chopped Walnuts – 1/4cup

Shredded dry coconut-1/4cup

Poppy seeds- 1tsp


  • Take a mixer grinder and blend the seedless dates coarsely and keep it aside.
  • Heat a pan with 1tbsp of ghee and after its hot enough add the chopped almonds, cashew, walnuts, and dry coconut.
  • Roast for 2minutes till it turns crunchy and add poppy seeds and roast for 2minutes.
  • Add the ground dates mixture to it and mix well till well combined and turn off the heat.
  • Let it cool for about 5 minutes and then grease your palms with some ghee and make equal sized balls out of the mixture.
  • Enjoy the ladoos!

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