WhatsApp is reportedly testing a new feature that will allow users to share music during a video call, essentially enabling them to bond over a music track as they would in person. This functionality is similar to Apple’s SharePlay feature that they can using during FaceTime calls.
This information comes courtesy of WABetaInfo, known for reporting on upcoming WhatsApp features.
According to the report, a preview of this feature can be seen in the WhatsApp Android beta version However, it is not yet available for beta testers as it is still in active development.
WhatsApp Audio Sharing During Video Calls: How It Works
The publication notes that users would be able to share music audio during video calls only when the screen sharing option is active.
That said, the use cases for this feature are plentiful. Users could utilise it to listen to a music track together, similar to Apple FaceTime. Creatives can review an audio project, among other possibilities. The report adds that this feature would work for all participants in a group call and, in theory, should function for group calls as well.
Initially, the feature was in development for the iOS version of WhatsApp, but now it is also being tested on Android. However, it is currently unclear when Meta will release this WhatsApp feature. Nevertheless, it doesn’t seem too far away from a beta release.
In related WhatsApp news, WhatsApp is rolling out the ability to share status updates using companion devices to beta testers. This means you can now finally post GIFs, images, and videos—all as status updates—right on your secondary companion device. This ensures that you consistently get the same WhatsApp experience on all devices, irrespective of whether it’s the main device or a companion.
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