YouTube to Warn Viewers When They're Watching Fake News
YouTube to Warn Viewers When They're Watching Fake News
A YouTube spokesperson told Buzzfeed News Thursday that the platform has begun fact-checking videos with topics that are "prone to misinformation."

As reported by Buzzfeed News, YouTube has started showing fact checking "information panels" that inform viewers who have searched topics "prone to misinformation" whether a claim is a hoax or the truth -- the panel is only displayed on search results pages, not on individual videos.

These sensitive topics will be fact-checked by YouTube's verified fact-checking services, like The Quint, and the authenticity results will be written in the information panel in capital letters beneath the alleged claim. Information debunking the Fake News will automatically be pulled from the service's respective sites to avoid manual review.

As of now, the feature is only available in India (in English and Hindu) to a small collection of users. YouTube's spokesperson told Buzzfeed that these information panels will expand worldwide but did not offer a timeline.

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