Spot Three Differences In These 2 Images. You Have 7 Seconds
Spot Three Differences In These 2 Images. You Have 7 Seconds
The image shows a girl with light yellow and pink hair, posing with a victory sign.

The way we prioritise our physical health, similarly we have to keep our cognitive health and mental well being in check. There is no better way to do that than optical illusion challenges. These greatly help in exercising our minds and force us to think in different ways. So, are you up for a little challenge? In the optical illusion that is being presented to you, you have to find three differences within the two images placed side by side. Keep in mind you only have 7 seconds to do so. The task may sound easy, but managing the time can be a real challenge for many. The image shows a digital drawing of a girl with light yellow and pink hair, posing with a victory sign. She is wearing a purple hoodie on grey pants along with pink headphones. Her background consists of two frames and a plant pot. Can you spot the differences between the two images?

If you were able to spot the difference in the allotted time, then you should give yourself a pat on the back. If you struggled a little bit to complete the task, do not worry, we got you; but remember, you just have to keep yourself focused.

The first difference can be spotted on the girl’s hoodie, where one of the strings is shorter than the other. Then in the background, the second difference is in the placement of the frames; the smaller frame is placed lower in the right image. The third and last difference is on the girl’s pink headphones. In the right image, it is hidden behind her head compared to the left image.

Small challenges like the images above are an easy and entertaining way to utilise your mind in different ways. It immensely improves the cognitive thinking skills of an individual as well as their observational skills. Especially under a stipulated time, the challenges prompt the brain to work faster and more effectively.

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