When Is The Right Time To Drink Water? Let’s Find Out
When Is The Right Time To Drink Water? Let’s Find Out
Water plays multiple roles in the body including regulating temperature, lubricating joints and aiding digestion.

Maintaining proper hydration is crucial for our well-being, regardless of the season. Particularly during summer, adequate water intake is essential to prevent dehydration, which can occur due to increased sweating. Water plays multiple roles in the body, including regulating temperature, lubricating joints, aiding digestion and facilitating the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells. Some individuals may not drink enough water, opting for only 3-4 glasses a day. Habits like drinking water while eating or substituting tea for water in the morning may affect hydration levels. It’s important to know the best time to drink water.

As per a report in the Indian Express, it is recommended to drink water immediately upon waking up in the morning. This practice helps activate internal organs, boosts metabolism, hydrates the body, and aids in the removal of toxins.

When you exercise/workout, your body sweats profusely, and you may get dehydrated easily. That is why you should keep drinking water at regular intervals while working out. It applies to all sorts of physical activities including dance or zumba. During these strenuous exercises, your heart rate also increases. Drinking water helps to normalise the heart rate in the body.

Drink water 30 minutes before having a meal. This helps in digestion. It helps prepare the stomach for food by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes. It also makes you feel full, which keeps you from overeating. In this way, you can also keep your weight under control. Drinking water before bathing is believed to have several benefits. It is thought to help reduce blood pressure and temporarily thin the blood. This can make it easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the body.

When you go to sleep at night, you should drink water before sleeping. It removes any kind of fluid deficiency in the body that occurs throughout the day. Also, it maintains the hydration level in the body while the body is sleeping. During illness, such as when experiencing a cold or fever, it’s common for people to reduce their water intake. It’s important to remember that maintaining adequate hydration is crucial even when sick. Drinking water supports the body’s natural functions and can aid in recovery. It’s recommended to continue drinking water even when feeling unwell.

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