Indian e-commerce major Snapdeal has listed a new sale on its website but it is not the kind that you have seen ever before. The new Snapdeal "sale" highlights the grave issue of human trafficking that India, as well as many other countries are struggling with. Starting with the phrase "This, is not a sale for kids. But kids do go on sale" the new initiative by Snapdeal comes in collaboration with "Save The Children" foundation and aims to raise awareness as well as funds for both the prevention of the menace as well as rehabilitation of the survivors.
The new Snapdeal cause "Kids not for sale" comprises of a two-way action to bring child trafficking in India to an end. At one part, it brings forward a petition for all to sign, which will then be raised to the Prime Minister of India. As per the petition, 174 children go missing every day in the country. To curb this, it suggests 5 concrete measures including Community-Led Prevention Programmes, Strengthened Rehabilitation Programmes and more.
On the other hand, the initiative also aims to raise funds to enable the same. The donation page reads "Under Save the Children Anti-child trafficking programmes communities are mobilised, susceptible children are prevented and trafficked children are rescued and rehabilitated with education, homes and protection as needed". It even displays a graph [as below] showing the distribution of the donations received on the same.
This is surely a rather unique sale to land up on a shopping website, but perhaps we do need initiatives such as these to get the attention to the more serious issues that otherwise tend to get ignored.
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